It is a wonderful story and an opportunity to train the Present Simple and the Past simple Tenses.

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A young reindeer / lives at the North Pole. // His name is  Rudolph. //He is a lovely, happy reindeer .  // He loves playing in the snow. //  But the other reindeer  don’t play with him.// They laugh at him /  because of Rudolph’s big,  / bright red nose.  // They tease him. // Rudolph is sad. //  He has a dream – to pull Santa’s sleigh  / like other reindeer.  //  He is afraid that, /  because of his shiny nose, /  Santa will not agree.//

On Christmas Eve  / Rudolph  goes  to visit Santa and Elf. //  They never tease him  / because of his nose. // All their presents are ready.  // Rudolph helps  them  to work.  // Day turns to night. //

Santa and Elf pack up the sleigh,  / while Rudolph helps them.  // Now everything  is ready. // Santa asks,  / “Where are my eight reindeer? //  It’s time  to pull my sleigh.” //

The reindeer prance   and proudly take their places  / in front of the sleigh. // Santa looks around him.  // He sees   / the night is foggy.  // He worries /  that the  reindeer cannot  see  the way.  // Suddenly  Rudolph with his bright red nose / comes up,  / and Santa  has a very bright idea! //

“Rudolph,” /  Santa cries,  / “I want YOU- / with your shiny nose-  / to light the way for my sleigh tonight!” //  Santa points to Rudolph,  / and the reindeer cheer him.

Now everybody loves him  / and says / that he is  a very special reindeer.  // From then on, Rudolph is Santa’s first choice every Christmas Eve.